Summer Break
Good morning all,
I am apparently writing this like a letter rather than a blog post because it seems like the right thing to do. As you may (or may not) have noticed I’m doing a pretty poor job of updating my blog. I’m not giving up, I just have had life take over and it hasn’t left me with a lot of time or energy to write. As you know, I have littles that take up a lot of time and energy. Well these littles are on summer break right now and I don’t have anywhere near as much time as I usually have to write and think and get things done. It turns out that keeping them alive and semi entertained is hard work. So what I have decided to do it change my “publishing” schedule. My goal is to post once a month and they will be shorter more personal posts. Once school starts again I will start writing about more specific topics and what we can do to take active steps to improve the world around us. My hope is that once school starts again I can post more regularly. It may not happen right away but we will get there. Or at least that is my goal.
So what should I write about this time? Well, I thought I would introduce you to my littles. We worked really hard and the littles picked out their own alter egos. We have 4, they are Sister (or blob, we’re up in the air still), Pixie, Ninja and Godzilla.
Sister is the oldest. She has given me permission to use the pronouns she/her. We like to pick on Sister and call her a couch blob. We’re still going to call her Sister here on the blog but we have to pick on her at least once and call her Blob at least once. Sister is doesn’t laugh often but when she does it’s quite the treat. She is an amazing artist even though she doesn’t think so. I think she’s pretty cool and I’m glad I get to include her in my littles. She can be quite helpful when she wants to be.
Pixie is the second oldest. She has given me permission to use the pronouns she/her. Pixie is very creative. One of her current projects that she is working on is writing a book. I can’t wait to share it with you. She also enjoys reading, she is learning to skateboard and she’s just all around pretty cool.
Ninja is the third oldest. He has given me permission to use the pronouns he/him. Ninja is pretty stinking cool. He absolutely loves creating things and loves watching artists work. Some of his favorite artists are just as zany as him. He likes Booby Duke Arts and Nick Zammetti on YouTube. He loves woodworking, metalworking and glass working.
Godzilla is the youngest little. Godzilla has given me permission to use the pronouns Godzilla and Skullcrawler. I don’t think Godzilla understands pronouns but I kind of love it and want to try my best to honor the pronouns that Godzilla picked. Godzilla, as you might have guessed is a little obsessed with Godzilla. Godzilla loves all things Godzilla and the many creatures that accompany Godzilla. Godzilla is a very high energy little Godzilla and absolutely loves living and makes friends everywhere Godzilla goes.
Overall I have the best littles around and feel pretty blessed. I have some other littles in my life as well and I may introduce them at another time but for now these are my most frequent littles. My other littles are equally as awesome as those listed above I just don’t get to see them as often.
Have I ever introduced myself? Should I do it again just in case? My name is Catherine and I use the pronouns she/her. I am a bit of a hot mess both mentally and physically. I’m trying to learn to love myself and all of myself. I’m trying to unlearn all of the rules and expectations that society has given me because honestly they aren’t the best. I love learning and creating things. I feel like I should probably have more to include but I feel pretty blank right now. I love gardening, or at least planning gardening. I seem to fail when it comes time to actually do instead of the plan. I also love crafts; I feel like I have tried just about everything, obviously that’s not really true. I occasionally sell things at craft shows or on Etsy. I’ve decided to keep things on my website for now. I don’t have a lot but hopefully that will grow in the future. Obviously one of my passions is trying to improve the world around me. Hopefully in a big way but for right now in little bit sized pieces.
Well I guess that’s all I have for now. I wanted to post really quickly just to let you know I’m still here thinking about you. Even if I can’t be as active as I wish to be with the blog I’m still cheering you on and preparing for a slower time in my life when we can be together again.
So, until next time, remember, be kind, provide hope and, as always, much love.